Referral Center
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Referral Center

To activate: Click the 'Referral Center' option.


The Referral Center is used to search for referrals and to update the referral status, notes, and referral outcome as well as to assign a caseworker.
Referrals can be searched by the fields displayed below:
·    Client ID
·    Last Name
·    Social Security
·    Date of Birth
·    Referral From
·    Referral To
·    Referring Case Worker
·    Referral Reason
·    Referral Status
·    Specific Program Referral
·    Facility
·    Referral Date Range
·    Assigned To
·    Assigned Date
·    Incoming Referral or OutGoing Referral

To Use:
1.   Activate the Referral Center by clicking on the Referral Center link.

2.   Enter lookup criteria into fields.  
3.   Click Lookup to display the results.  Note:  The search will list service records according to what criteria is entered and will only list service records that are associated with facilities that are assigned to the current user.  All service types are listed not just referrals.

4.   Select the referral to update by clicking the Select button next to the desired referral.


5.   Update the appropriate information and then click on the Ok button.  The only information that can be updated are the following fields:
1.   Referral Status.
2.   New Notes – These notes get appended to the Existing Notes when applied.
3.   Assigned To.
4.   Assigned Date.
5.   Follow up Date.
6.   Referral Outcome.
7.   Insert Images.

6.   Once the referral is assigned to a caseworker, a reminder will be appear in their Message Center area in the desktop of CareScope.

·    The Referral Search results can be printed by clicking on the ‘Print’ button.
·    The user must have the appropriate rights to use this option.
·     Any time a Print is done it opens the display of the report in Internet Explorer.  To return to the previous screen (in Community) the user needs to click on the ‘back arrow’ in Internet Explorer.  If they click on the ‘x’ it closes Internet Explorer and the Community application.